Published On:Sunday, April 6, 2014
Posted by Unknown

Dog guards owner's bike... see what happens when he returns

Ever since the Chinese "bike hugging" dog video hit the Internet nearly two years ago, it has generated over four million hits on YouTube, as well as concerns about LiLi the dog's safety. A Thai blogger even started a blog to raise money for a bike for LiLi.

In the video the Golden Retriever guards its owner Luo Wencong's bicycle with its front paws until he returns. The dog then jumps on to the back of the bike and balances itself while indicating it is set for the ride with a few barks. The owner then pedals away with LiLi comfortably perched at the back.

Luo has revealed that the intelligent LiLi's skills are not restricted to merely guarding bicycles but that the dog also counts, carries shopping baskets and takes out the garbage. He claims to have turned down a 10,000 Yuan offer for LiLi. Following the popularity of the video, LiLi has gained something of a celebrity status in China and is known as the "Bike hugging dog"to locals of Nanning the capital of Guangxi province.

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Posted by Unknown on 10:22 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 10:22 AM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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