Published On:Friday, August 1, 2014
Posted by Unknown

In pictures: Amazon tribe makes first contact with the world

Members of a new, undiscovered Brazilian tribe have made contact with the outside world for the very first time. There is video footage of the tribe as well.

The footage released by Brazil's National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) shows pictures of some men from the undiscovered tribe making voluntary contact with a team of researchers on the banks of the Envira river in Aldeia Simpatia, Acre state.

FUNAI said the members of the tribe considered made contact with their researchers when they were with Ashaninka Indians in the region.

Pictures of the loincloth-clad tribesmen have gone viral on social media.

The Amazonian tribe that lives on the Envira river on Brazil's border with Peru came in contact of locals after they were forced out of their homes by drug traffickers.

In the video, the tribesmen can been shouting in an unidentified language, which is considered to be their native tongue.

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By Unknown on 9:32 PM. Filed under , . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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