Published On:Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Check out this map showing how India tweeted about polls
The Indian elections are over and while the battle was definitely fought in rallies and campaign trails, the other major battledground this election season was Twitter. Now Cartodb has put out a brilliant interactive map showing how India tweeted about the major election candidates 6 April onward. The video looks at how Twitter users mentioned Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal and Rahul Gandhi.
Given the number of tweets, it's easy to say that India looks a bit like it would on Diwali day. It should be noted that the video timelines show tweets that took place across the election period. Since there were 56 million election related tweets, the video does make for a beautiful sight. Screenshot from the map. According to a PTI report, after the seventh phase of polling, there were 49 million Indian elections-related conversations on Twitter -- more than double the 20 million Indian elections-related conversations on Twitter through 2013.
Later Hindu reported with exclusive numbers from Twitter that the 56 million election-related tweets were seen on the social media site "from 1 January this year until 5 p.m. on May 12". Where Modi is concerned, he is clearly the winner on Twitter with 3.9 million followers. Rahul Gandhi, of course doesn't have a Twitter account, while Arvind Kejriwal and AAP have given Modi and BJP a good some stiff competition on Twitter. In fact, AAP's Twitter account is the most followed where parties are concerned.