Published On:Monday, May 26, 2014
Posted by Unknown

Eye-opener: Not just an illicit relationship but women jump online to fill in eternal void

If you thought most women are wired to be unfaithful, that’s some pigeonhole! With the escalation of Online dating sites, both men and women have easy access to discreet encounters and extramarital affairs.

There no more exists an affair-proof marital concept. Why women mostly cheat, well is a matter of introspection for men as partners, at least a lot of times.

According to a leading website ‘Marriage is not the issue. Commitment and loyalty or the lack thereof is at the crux of this. After all, marriage is a legal and/or spiritual binding of two people, but if commitment isn’t there and loyalty becomes a matter of subjectivity or convenience, the marriage is already nonexistent. Cheating then becomes a symptom of a secretly failed marriage.’

It is not in fact a matter of all white or all black any more. The territory is more often considered grey. The very first sorts that strike your head would be: Do people who cheat want to leave their current marriage? Are they secretly trying to get caught so they’ll have an excuse to get out? The answer lies in either cheating on your partner or introspecting before taking the big leap.

Consider an example: A woman becomes nothing more than a mother, housekeeper and wife who keeps the family running smoothly. She probably enters a phase where she constantly feels frumpy and unattractive. Her self-esteem is in the gutter and she no longer feels sexy, beautiful or desirable. Enters a man who compliments her, shows interest in her emotionally, tells her she is beautiful. A man who looks at her and sees something other than a mother, housekeeper and wife. She finds the much needed validation, and well, begins to waver even though deep down she might not want to.

Even as some approaches reek of negativity and vulnerability, other approaches fathom manipulation and adultery with the drop of a hat.

Women weep in possible corners for filling in the vacuum present in their current relationship. Some exceed and re-gain the lost soul of the relation, and others brush off into treachery.
Recent reports state that an Online dating website Ashley Madison has a community that is comprised of 70 percent men and 30 percent women. 

But the only sane and probably the only wise thought behind the audacity of wavering trust was to find an answer from within.

Yes, unflinching faith and consistent admiration for women work wonders! And whilst it works very well for the Venus community, it stands true for the Martians counterparts.

The website further mentions "Men in established relationships and marriage need to remember that women are women first and foremost—and the take up the roles of wives and mothers second. If a man stops bringing passion and effort to his relationship and stops treating her as a desired woman, he shouldn’t be surprised when she feels forced to fill her needs elsewhere."

For many it is initially like asking the newly-vegetarian fox to guard the henhouse, but that is what it is supposed to be. Period!

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Posted by Unknown on 12:27 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 12:27 AM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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