Published On:Monday, May 19, 2014
Posted by Unknown

Most women spend six hours in preparation before having sex with new partner

London: A new study claims that women have a full body overhaul, that includes a facial, spray tan and blow dry, before hopping in the sack with a new partner.

The research by luxury underwear brand Bluebella has found that women splash out on new knickers and a range of beauty treatments before having sex with a new partner, the Daily Star reported.

And, the study found that women spend a whopping six hours planning their first night of passion with a new love.

A third admit to booking in for a facial to ensure an alluring afterglow, 32 percent opt for a flattering spray tan and 76 percent make sure their hair is professionally styled.

Almost two-thirds invest in a brand new lingerie set, while 31 percent will treat themselves to a new dress.

And more than one in three ladies claim they would never dress in underwear they'd worn with a previous lover.

Around a fifth of women go a step further, ensuring their bed linen is untainted by the memories of a former lover.

Waxing is another essential - with 53 percent booking into a salon for a session. The results come from a survey of 1,000 women by lingerie brand Bluebella.

Meanwhile, on the date itself 74 percent of women say they would avoid the bread basket and carb dishes at dinner on the big night, to ensure their tummy is as flat as possible.

It appears that once the female specie has decided tonight's the night they won't let anything stand in their way - and that includes monitoring their partners' alcohol intake, 19 percent of the women surveyed confessed.

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